Saturday April 11,2020

With Easter a day away, we are reminded what God, and Jesus have done for us. Jesus gave his life to save ours, and for us to be able to live our life making our choices but has asked us to follow two simple rules.

1. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

2. Have no other God before him

With the pandemic hopefully reaching its peak in certain areas maybe we have seen the the worst of it.

With the reports that stay in place is possibly going to last a bit longer according to the Vice President, hopefully they are giving us the worst case scenario, and it will be a better result.

If this is the situation this will give us more time to reflect on what is important which is God, first , family second, friends third.

I know i have enjoyed seconding more time with my teenage daughter, building above ground planters for a garden, new calves ( 3 to be exact), to feed with a bottle. Along with all the other animals we are looking after.

I have had my share of frustration to say the least, but with God first i have been able to handle the stress of all the things that have been thrown my way.

Help yourself by prayer and meditation it is the only way to deal with extreme stress.

Happy Easter, and remember God listens and is the answer to all your questions.