Wednesday April 8,2020

Looks like my recent posts haven’t gone through but it seems that the problem is solved now so maybe we can get started again

I am looking to post something most everyday during this current crisis.

After the issue with the news reports and the president it looks like there has been a request to stop some news commendation about what when where and how. If you are a Trump supporter then I in your court. I am not sure there could have been a better person for the job during this crisis. Has he said all the right things, i will reiterate that he is not a politician and a business man instead so he shoots from the hip and usually gets what he wants.

So all of his social media frenzy, you can like it or not but what you need to realize he is creating discussion and his name is being spoken and recognized by more people every day because of his comments on twitter. Like it or not he is in the main stream of not only my normal way of communicating but now the new generation of communicating which is via social media.

I am not sure that another person could have gotten as much done in such a short period of time with this crisis. He is a can do man and for the most part has done. He has prevent or shut down the chinese boarders for the US, and has generated many other restrictions here in the US, such as main dating social distancing and stay in place policies. His fault is that he left the original decisions up to the states instead of making it a federal act. This created such issues as Mardi Gras, and spring break where the states should have stepped in and decided to stop those celebrations but instead continued on because of the dollar amount that would have been lost. Now Florida and Louisiana are considered hot spots and my state will be affected as well.

This issue will be over soon, and we need to support the people that are working so hard to make this a safer place for us all.