The YMCA Of Conroe Golf Tourament

I played in the YMCA golf tournament on Friday and in-spite the cool weather had a blast. The event was run professionally and with out a hitch. There was food for breakfast, drinks in abundance, lunch that was amazing, and fun had bad everyone. The event was put on by the YMCA staff to help raise funds for many reasons. the conroe YMCA was severally affected by the floods and hurricane last year by wiping out not only there stables but also their pool and basically all their outdoor venues. This event is to help raise funds to recreate those areas and also to help sponsor children that cant afford the funds to go to the YMCA summer camps.

I was asked by my Step daughter to attend the event since she is one of the camp counselors. We played with two wonderful gentleman and we were able to come in with a respectable score but lost in a scorecard playoff for 2nd and 3rd. However there were some amazing raffle items and diamonds in the rough had their displays with sports memorabilia for purchase. Once again thank you Jay Willet and company for the help.

The tournament was a wonderful success and fun was had by all. I highly recommend that you plan to attend the event next year to enjoy not only the golf but the activities that follow as well as the fellowship for I believe is a worthy cause for the children of Conroe