Golf round friday
Discovered several things before the round on Friday.
1. I discovered i an extremely flexible in my elbow joints s therefore while i am holding the club my left elbow is totally facing the sky. I have had a difficult time over the last year getting the club in the right plane and have had to manipulate the club into position which of course doesn’t make for very consistent shots or contact.
2. With this discovery i made sure my left elbow was in a more natural position as it would be hanging to my side. The feeling is i was making my elbow turn inward more toward the ball. Felt very unusual but i asked my instructor to take a look at it and take a picture as well as a video and after we looked at the picture and film discovered this was the best way to get the club in plane. As we noticed and observed the club was in plane most every time and the ball leaking to the right had gone away.
3. However with this discovery the ball started immediately going to the left with a slight draw. The slight draw is the shot pattern i am looking for but not the pull. So we looked at the swing again on video and it appeared that my shoulders were slowing down on the downswing and allowing the toe of the club to pass my hands to early in the swing causing the ball to be pulled.
4. With a slight thought of making sure my right shoulder moved through the swing i eliminated the pull and the ball started on line and stayed there with a slight movement to the left when coming down. Also the ball was much higher trajectory upon takeoff.
5. With this in mind i took the swing to the course for my second Roman of the year. With the swing thought i hit the ball on line for the first 6 holes and was even par. On 7 i tried to hit the ball harder than i was ready and pushed the ball slightly into the trees. With the hole being a slight dogleg to the right i needed to keep the ball low for about 165 yards and try and bounce the ball up onto the green. With the new swing thought i delivered a direct shot with a low trajectory and a slight movement to the left and rolled the ball on the green. Before this thought i would have pulled the ball into the trees left or hit it too high trying not to pull the ball.
6. I finished the round with a 75 only because of a miss club on hole 12 which was a par 3 over water and i missed clubbed into the wind. It wasn’t because of the strike it was just a missed judgement into the wind.
7. Over all i believe with this new swing thought i will be able to go into the golf season with a more positive motion than i have had over the last few years and hopefully will strike the ball more solidly and therefore have lower overall scores. With only playin two rounds this year after a almost 5 month layoff do to surgeries i handicap went down with a 74-75.
Looking forward to this upcoming year and seeing what will happen.
If you should have any questions on how to swing the club please feel free to contact me i am always open to discussing the swing